

The crisis of the modern world Part 2

As you can see, skillfully explains that it is not about the right of state ownership on us, and on joint-shared activities: we operate separately from the state, but use some common joint for all the resources, and therefore to divide the result. The question arises, in what proportion to divide. The Rapporteur proposes to take as a basis the principle of the Golden section. So the mention of Leonardo da Vinci was not accidental.

Co-division of labor explains the charging of government fees for patents, limited protection of intellectual property rights.. In this regard I am reminded of the question from “What? Where? When?”. Literally cannot remember, but the essence was that if I have an Apple and I’ll share with another person, I will not have Apple. What you need to share that had You and the person with whom You shared? The answer was: you need to share a secret.

Another example. Free education – good, but free does not happen. On the basis of the concept of the joint-shared activities receiving education or paying yourself, or enters the institution for lending money.. or then fulfills.

In Western literature the necessity to account jointly divided nature of the relationship assignment received development in the concept of the bundle of property rights. A. honoré in 1961 proposed a “complete list” of powers, which is also known since the Roman law of possession, use and disposal involved a number of powers (the right to derive income, the right to safety, right to transfer goods in inheritance, the right to the capital value of the right to prohibition of harmful use, etc.). This approach has played an important role in the adaptation of theoretical ideas on the ownership to the analysis of contemporary reality, which increasingly did not fit into the traditional view. “From the point of view of society the right of ownership act as “rules of the game” that regulate relations between individual agents. From the point of view of individual agents, they appear as “bundles of powers” in making decisions about a given resource. Each cone can split, so one part of the powers begins to belong to one person, another to another, etc.” The concept of private property under this approach, although it remains basic, and gradually more includes in its contents the elements, denying his own certainty. The weakening of the theoretical extent of the concepts here increase the practical value of this approach and approximation to empirical reality.

The state and civil society

Jointly-shared property is the basis of jointly divided power between citizens and the state, Parliament and government, authorities, political and economic, monetary and fiscal, etc. emphasis on the separation of powers (legislative, Executive and judicial, monetary and fiscal, etc.) does not take into account the fact that the authorities, the necessity of joint, coordinated execution.

Form co-division of activities becomes a General form of conflict resolution between the state and civil society, government and business, between private and public interests. This is manifested in the development of public-private partnership, cooperation of authorities with professional and public organizations, etc. As an example, the tax: the state’s changing tax system… came the independence… created a joint group… agreed. It is a state public work: and entrepreneurship, and government regulation.

About the market and the state

From jointly divided labor grows the market system. What is implemented for consistency? In the state, which represents the public interest. Can the market exist without a state in the modern world? Can’t. The state guarantees protection. Can a modern state exist without commodity-money relations? No.

The market is not a state, the state not the market. In this respect, they are mutually exclusive. But at the same time, the market cannot exist without state and state without a market. The market involves the activity of the state on the legal regulation of market contracts, conducting monetary policy aimed at maintaining stability of the monetary unit, which now only represents the value in exchange, but the real value has not and therefore relies on “economic power” of the state. Constantly increasing the share of public goods production, distribution, exchange and consumption which may not be governed by purely market principles.

Thus, the market involves the activity of the state and includes it in its system of relations. The state, in turn, involves the market and includes market relations as the object and form in the implementation of its activities. Legislative work on the regulation of market relations, monetary, fiscal policy, government purchases of goods and services at market prices, etc., are forms of existence of market relations in the public sphere. At the same time, the market and the state include each other as opposites, because the market is based on the equivalence principle, and the state is based on unequal economic relations.

This understanding eliminates oppose each other forms of public policy. In modern conditions the institutions of market and state are complementary, complementary, non-existent without each other and performing its specific, irreplaceable function. Liberal position: the smaller the state the better. Socialism, at the other extreme. There are intermediate positions. The position of the Rapporteur: the market and the state perform very different, irreplaceable function. They complement each other, cannot be replaced. Then, instead of the slogan “more state or less state” can be the slogan “more state and more market”.

Justice is the criterion of the unity of economic and social (this in particular allows to avoid revolutions, as capitalism is focused on the economic side of life, socialism – social, and need a reasonable balance).

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